How to perform the first of the light weight over-speed training drills and learn to sequence your swing for max speed gains Attach lightest weight (three stripe) Ensure neutral spine and pelvis throughout Perform a couple of swings to get a feel for the new lighter weight Perform the drill now at max intent to ensure maximum speed Start with your feet close together and arms and club out at baseball height Turn into your backswing and before fully completing your turn, step the lead foot towards the target When you feel pressure into the ground and your body is coiled, its at this point that you put max effort into the swing Perform on domintant and non-dominant sides See Speed Training table on for reps, sets and weekly progressions Light Weight – Horizontal Plane Step Drill The SpeedStix Protocol 33 views You may also like Light Weight – Speed Drills 26 views The SpeedStix Protocol Light Weight – Regular Plane Step Drill 16 views The SpeedStix Protocol Medium Weight – Regular Swings 16 views The SpeedStix Protocol Heavy Weight – Regular Swings 28 views The SpeedStix Protocol