The Speed Blog


View this post on Instagram A post shared by Liam Robinson (@liamrobbo89) SpeedStix user Liam Robinson 2nd in Driving distance at the …

  Rory was asked how he hits the ball "so frickin far". 😂 His full answer. 👇 — Golf Digest (@GolfDigest) …

Dame Laura Davies and Henni Koyack commentating at the 2023 US Open.  Former world No 1 and one of the longest and …

Speed training is a powerful tool for golfers looking to improve their handicap. Here’s why: Increased clubhead speed leads to longer drives. …

The impact of driving distance and accuracy on scores: For a 20 yard increase in driving distance, a typical 100-golfers score will …

Golf critics talk about technology making golf courses obsolete because of distance, but what they fail to clarify is that this only …